Selamat Sore jumpa lagi bersama Hparea blog keren di kanca gadget. Pada kali ini tim hparea bakal mengulas app android yang berjudul Night Camera, yang dimana menurut kami merupakan beberapa app android paling terkeren diinstall oleh pecinta handphone andro di Australia dan banyak negara bagian eropa lainnya. Aplikasi keren ini ber point 3.8 yang berarti amat wajib untuk anda download.
Cukup segitu saja basa basinya, kembali lagi ke aplikasi Night Camera untuk gadget android yang bakal anda pasang. App ini mempunyai kualitas 3.8 dan pemilih 44,829 yang dimana sudah banyak penginstal yang memberi penilaian sebanyak 5,000,000 – 10,000,000 dan menandakan bahwa aplikasi Night Camera ini sangat patut untuk anda download.
Dengan persyaratan minimal untuk OS Android 2.2 and up tentu kamu harus menyesuikan Operating System hp android kamu, kalau tidak gitu, aplikasi ini tak bakal bekerja dengan maksimal. Mengusung Versi paling baru 2.24 membuat App ini berlanjut diupdate dari tahun ke tahun, pembaruan terakhirnya pada 2016-03-18. Berikutnya dibawah ini sedikit penjelasan mengenai App yang tim kutip dari playstore.
Deskripsi Tentang Night Camera Versi 2.24
90% Christmas sale on A Better Camera! Limitedtime offer!
Night Camera grew up into A Better Camera – all-purpose, fullfeatured camera for Android! 11 shooting modes, full cameracontrol.
Get A Better Camera NOW!Capture high quality images in low light. Use your mobile cameraeverywhere, in any conditions, no matter how dark is it. Take sharpand noise free images. See the scene clearly with night visionviewfinder.
– No blur, no noise!
– Full resolution.
– Advanced low light technique based on multiple exposurefusion.If you like the app – purchase the paid version, Night Camera+.Support the development and get more features (zoom, locationtagging, flash control, shutter mute).
Night Camera+ is a perfect tool for shooting indoor, at night andevening, in twilight and any other dark environment.===
“Sorry for the quality, mobile.” Almost everyone makes excuseswhen publishing a photo taken with a camera phone. What are theproblems taking good quality pictures with camera phones and isthere a way to solve them and bridge the gap between camera phonesand compact cameras?
You may think there is very little difference between a cell phonecamera and a point-and-shoot camera. Nowadays, mobile phone camerashave enough megapixels. The phones have enough storage capacity.Even the lens quality is not as bad as before and can compete withlow-end compact cameras.
At the same time, a big gap still exists when it comes to the basisof photography – the light source. If you take pictures indaylight, you may be satisfied with the quality of mobile images.However, when you move to a less bright indoor environment, youstart to notice the difference. Mobile images appear to have morenoise, they are usually blurry and lack detail in shadows. Brightareas turn into pure-white spots. Faces seem unnaturally flat,especially when using a flash. Getting into a darker environmentextends the gap. While images taken with a regular camera are notvery good but still do show a scene, mobile images becomeunacceptably blurry and show almost nothing but smeared lights andthe camera’s own noise.Almalence, Inc. has developed a technology that combines aspecial exposure mode and software post-processing to greatlyreduce the blur effects and improve dynamic range.
FAQQ: Isn’t it better to use the standard camera and then improvethe photos in Photoshop?
A: It is always better to take a quality image than to improve abad one. It is usually impossible to remove heavy blur or reducehigh noise without losing image details.
Night Camera does not apply deblurring or noise reduction filtersto a standard image, it gets a better image from the sensor.
Udah mengerti kan tentang produk App ini? Lalu tunggu apa lagi, segera download Night Camera gratis hanya tinggal tekan link berikut ini..
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