Selamat Petang ketemu lagi bersama Hparea blog keren di kanca perhapean. Pada kali ini kita akan mengulas aplikasi android yang bernama AnonyTun, yang dimana menurut kami adalah salah satu app android paling terkenal dibahas para pecinta hp robot hijau di Jepang dan banyak negara amerika lainnya. Aplikasi unik ini ber point 4.3 yang berarti amat layak untuk anda instal.

AnonyTun 3.1 screenshots 1

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Cukup begitu saja obrolannya, sekarang fokus lagi ke aplikasi AnonyTun untuk android yang akan anda pasang. Aplikasi AnonyTun ini mempunyai nilai 4.3 dan penilaian 13,963 yang berarti telah banyak pengguna android yang memberi nilai sebanyak 1,000,000 – 5,000,000 dan menandakan bahwa app AnonyTun ini sangat cocok untuk anda unduh.
Dengan minimal syarat untuk OS Android 4.0.3 and up tentu saja kalian wajib menyesuikan Versi OS handphone android kalian, karena jika tidak begitu, aplikasi ini tidak akan berjalan dengan lancar. Dengan Versi terupdatenya 3.1 membuat Aplikasi AnonyTun ini terus dikembangkan dari hari ke hari, pembaruan terakhirnya pada 2017-11-14. Dan dibawah ini beberapa penjelasan tentang Aplikasi AnonyTun yang kami ambil dari playstore.
Deskripsi Tentang AnonyTun Versi 3.1
Long Description:
Do you live in a country with a restricted internet connection? Howmany times do you get the blocked error while opening a website?Are you looking for a secure way to freely browse websites on theinternet? How often do you get blocked by firewalls in your officeor school?
Well, AnonyTun is your solution, as it delivers high-speed VPNconnection to bypass any geo-restricted services in literally anylocation and country. This free VPN (Virtual Private Network) appprovides a secure connection to protect your privacy and bypass thefirewalls anonymously to access any website or app with no limit orrestriction.
AnonyTun comes with a clean and neat design and the interface is souser-friendly that you just need to push the Connect button toaccess the secure connection via SSL Tunnel, HTTP Tunnel or TCPTunnel.
For those who are looking for more advanced settings, there is theStealth Settings which enables them to change the ConnectionProtocol, Connection Port, Enable the option to connect via parentproxy, edit custom TCP/HTTP Headers and enable advanced SSLsettings and edit it.
So, no matter you are just looking for a fast, secure and free VPNapp or you are a pro and looking for a free tunnel app withadvanced settings, we’ve got your covered.
How Does This Free VPN Proxy Server Stand Out from theCrowd?
Well, there are so many VPN services and tunnel connection appavailable on the Play Store. But, why AnonyTun? Because,
- One. It’s completely free and you don’t need to register to getthe most out of this free tunnel app
- Two. It’s reliable and thanks to the multiple proxy servers youwon’t be disconnected
- Free. It’s fast and you won’t notice any speed difference whenthe service is running
- Four. It’s unlimited and there is no limit when it comes tobandwidth usage
- Five. The setup is as simple as pushing a single Connectbutton
AnonyTun Main Features at a Glance:
• Clean and neat design with super user-friendly
• NO registration needed
• NO ROOT required
• It’s fast, free and secure
• No Bandwidth limitation (Unlimited Bandwidth)
• SSL Tunnel, HTTP Tunnel, and TCP Tunnel
• Bypass any type of restriction
• It’s FREESo, AnonyTun offers everything you should expect from such VPNapps, and if you live in a country with several restrictions by theISP, or you want to bypass the firewall, or looking for a secureconnection, then make sure to give this free tunnel app a try. Allthe features are available for free and you don’t need to root yourAndroid device to be able to have access to the free cloud proxyservers.
We are always monitoring our proxy servers to make sure to deliverfast, reliable and secure connections. This smart VPN appautomatically connects you to the nearest and fastest server, soyou’ll experience high-speed and secure connection through thetunnel.
Download AnonyTun for free and let us know about any bugs,questions, feature requests or any other suggestions.And please rate us 5 star if it works for you, if you have anyissues please mail us first before leaving a negative review.
Thank You ☺
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