Selamat Siang jumpa lagi bersama Hparea blog ternama di kanca perhapean. Pada kesempatan ini kami bakal mengulas aplikasi android yang bernama Clean Master, yang dimana menurut kami adalah salah satu aplikasi paling ngehits diinstall oleh pengguna handphone android di Denmark dan banyak kawasan amerika lainnya. Aplikasi keren ini mempunyai nilai 4.7 yang berarti amat wajib untuk anda pasang.

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Sudah begitu saja basa basinya, balik lagi ke bahasan aplikasi Clean Master untuk gadget android yang bakal anda pasang. Aplikasi Clean Master ini mempunyai rating 4.7 dan penilaian 41,253,854 yang berarti telah banyak penginstal yang memberikan penilaian sebanyak 500,000,000 – 1,000,000,000 dan menyatakan bahwasanya app Clean Master ini begitu patut untuk kamu download.
Dengan persyaratan minimal OS Android Android Varies with device tentu kamu harus menyamakan Versi OS gadget android kamu, jika tidak begitu, aplikasi ini tidak bakal bekerja dengan baik. Dengan Versi paling baru membuat Aplikasi Clean Master ini berlanjut dikembangkan dari masa ke masa, update paling akhir pada 2018-01-08. Dan dibawah ini beberapa penjelasan tentang Aplikasi Clean Master yang kami kutip dari sumber.
Deskripsi Tentang Clean Master Versi
Clean Master, the best optimizationtool with space cleaner and antivirus, it helps keep your phoneclean and safe from viruses. Clean Master also added thePrivate Photo feature, which helps you easily hide andencrypt your photos and secure your privacy.
Clean Master Key Functions:
Clean Master helps free up your storage space by removingjunk, residual and cache files which slows down your phone.
With our professional cleaner, you can also free up much more spacefrom cleaning cache data from social apps such as Facebook,Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram without worrying about deleting thewrong files.๐ FREE ANTIVIRUS
Scans for virus on all apps (pre-installed or not),blocks and removes virus to keep your phone safe fromviruses, trojans and protects your privacy with Clean Master’s freeantivirus engine which is ranked #1 by AV-TEST!๐Private Photo – Your Photo Vault
Private Photo keeps your photos safe by encrypting them. WithPrivate Photo, you can hide photos that you do not want othersto see and protect your privacy.๐ WiFi SECURITY
Clean Master added the WiFi Security feature to detect fake WiFiand unauthorized connections. Keep your phone safe frominsecure public WiFi.๐ BOOST MOBILE
One Tap Boost helps speed up phone by freeing up RAM. Afterboosting your mobile, you can run a speed test to see how muchfaster it is.๐ BATTERY SAVER
Clean Master helps to save battery power and extend batterylife by hibernating running apps.Other optimization features
โCHARGE MASTER- Prevents overcharging, displays charging status andapplication message while charging.
โ APPLOCK- Keeps your app privacy safe with an AppLock PIN orpattern.
โ iSWIPE- Quick access to other apps and tools.
โ GAME BOOSTER- Manage your games and accelerate loading speed ofgames.
โ APP MANAGER – Back up and uninstall apps.Clean Master, the world’s leading space cleaner & antivirusapp on Google Play.
We added some powerful features to make Clean Master more smarterand convenient. These features will require addtional phonepermissions.
Rest assured none of your personal info will be collected perthe Privacy Policy.1.New junk clean engine, added clean junk messages and more(require SMS, Contacts, Call Logs, Calendar and Locationpermissions)
2.New way to interact with your phone on lock screen (requireMicrophone permission)
3.More personalized settings to beautify your phoneNew features are only accessible to some users now, welcome tocontact us to try it in advance.
Follow our Instagram and Google+ to get more interesting pictures,videos & Clean Master usage tips every day!
Facebook: the functionality of the intelligent data
We will use the installed app(s) list and app(s) installationfolder contents for the cloud engine to enhance the junk filesrecognition capability of JUNK CLEANER (JUNK FILES), the runningapp(s) status for the cloud engine to enhance the effect of BOOSTMOBILE and power saving ability of BATTERY.The privacy of the user account information registered in PrivatePhoto relies on Google Firebase service providing a safe andreliable mechanism to ensure data security.
Ad Choice: Master use accessibility services to improve junk cleanfeature in some devices.
Sudah tau kan tentang produk Aplikasi Clean Master ini? Jadi mau apa lagi, buruan pasang Clean Master gratis cuma tinggal click link dibawah ini..
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