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Guide To Fast Food


I hope that you find this guide useful and that it assists you in reaching your fitness and health goals. Although it is usually better to prepare your own meals to fit your lifestyle, there are times when we have to dine out. Hopefully, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions on what foods you should eat when you are in that position. Remember that most foods at restaurants are processed, full of empty calories from preparation, and most will make you fat! Below are some tips on eating out, tips to help you avoid dining out, and some nice choices for when you do eat out.
Good luck!

Tips to Avoid Dining Out

-When you cook, prepare enough food for meals later in the week and keep them frozen. Carry them to work with you so that you always have meals available.
-Keep your home stocked with easy to prepare foods. This reduces the chance of you being caught off guard and going out for ?something easy?
-Use Meal Replacement bars and drinks

Tips To Remember When Dining Out

- Avoid dressings like oil and mayonnaise.
- Request that your food have no butter.
- Avoid cheeses.
- Avoid extra bread. Most of it is very fast absorbing and has a high chance of being stored as fat.
- Keep an eye on portion size.
- Be careful when choosing sides such as French fries or other fried foods.
- Avoid fried foods
- When in doubt, choose grilled chicken breast
- Drink water instead of soda. Soda has a ton of empty calories, and has a negative effect on blood sugar and insulin.
- Don?t think a salad is automatically lean. Most salad dressings are VERY fattening, as is cheese (and bacon bits). Choose the fat free versions of salad dressings.
- Make sure your chicken breast is boneless and skinless

To make this list, the foods have to be moderate in carbohydrates and protein, and relatively low in fat.

Wendy's (www.wendys.com)
Mandarin Chicken Salad
400 calories
27g protein
40g carbs
14g fat

Large Chili
300 Calories
25g protein
31g carbs
7g fat

KFC (www.kfc.com)
Chicken Breast (no skin or breading)
140 calories
29g protein
0g carbs
3g fat
Green Beans
50 calories
2g protein
7g carbs
1.5g fat
Mashed Potatoes/Gravy
130 calories
2g protein
18g carbs
4.5g fat
-much better without gravy!

Burger King (www.burgerking.com)
Fire Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad (w/fat free honey mustard dressing)
250 calories
20g protein
27g carbs
10g fat

Chicken Whopper (no mayo)
410 calories
38g protein
48g carbs
7g fat

Taco Bell (www.tacobell.com)
Chicken Ranchero Taco (Fresno Style)
170 calories
12g protein
20g carbs
4g fat
Pintos and Cheese
180 calories
10g protein
20g carbs
7g fat

All 4 of these restaurants are very similar and often similar choices. Here are a few tips for eating at these restaurants.
- Avoid the cheese
- Don?t eat the large sandwiches (12", 14", etc.) in one sitting. Eat half and save the rest for later
- Avoid oils and mayo
- Avoid salad dressings
- Eat lean meats like turkey, ham, and roast beef. Avoid the steaks, bacon, salami, bologna, etc.
- Don't be fooled by "Atkins Friendly" foods. These are usually very high in fat.
- Try double turkey breast and double ham!
- Again, avoid sodas and fruit drinks. Water has zero calories!

McDonalds (www.mcdonalds.com)
Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad (Newman?s Own Low Fat Vinegarette)
240 calories
29g protein
13g carbs
9g fat

Chicken McGrill
345 calories
27g protein
47g carbs
4.5g fat

Taco Cabana (www.tacocabana.com)
Grilled Chicken White (No Skin)
167 calories
35g protein
0g carbs
1.7g fat

Chicken Fajita Meat (white)
- Avoid the sour cream and cheese!
190 calories
30.4g protein
3.2g carbs
6.2g fat

Tortilla (1ea)
129 calories
3.2g protein
21.7g carbs
3.3g fat

Borracho Beans
108 calories
4g protein
17g carbs
2.5g fat

Refried Beans
171 calories
7g protein
21g carbs
6g fat

Whataburger (www.whataburger.com)
Grilled Chicken Sandwich (Special Request - small bun, no bun oil, w/MLT)
28g protein
37g carbs
8g fat

Chick-Fil-A (www.chickfila.com)
Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich
410 Calories
28g Protein
38g Carbs
13g Fat

Char grilled Chicken Sandwich (no sauce, no bacon)
270 calories
28g protein
33g carbs
3.5g fat

This article was written by: Meagan Rodriguez (Fitness Natural Athlete/Motivator)

Visit her website at: http://nu-ufitness.com

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