Believe In Yourself And Attain Your Fitness Goals
From the day we become familiar with our surroundings, the world and the people around us, we start dreaming and set our destinations, our goals which we would want to achieve in our lifetime.
As Douglas Everett has rightly said:
"There are some people, who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality and then there are those who turn one into the other."
We are all capable of doing anything and achieving any goal we set but the difference comes in the will, the belief, and the faith in one's own self. Your belief is attained when you are confident of yourself and self-confidence loosens when you hate one or more aspects of your own self-existence be it your body, appearance etc.
However, hating your own self is not the solution. It is that you are simply ignoring the facts of your life. As we, here at shape-fit are dealing largely with weight reduction and obesity related problems lets take examples of this very field. Negative thought patterns are all too common among dieters and are one of the reasons why so many dieters are unable to lose weight permanently.
The teasing comments and social ignorance discourages dieters to open up with their feelings, they end up with decreased will power, and the result is distraction from their goals.
However, the truth is that obesity is just a physical disease or disorder, which is 100% reversible. The day when you realize the importance of healthy body and fitness and decide to work on it with the appropriate focus and determination you will achieve your dream figure shortly and once you do so you'll be happy and proud of the fact that you yourself did it and finally when the same old society which use to ignore you will praise you for your achievement and you'll be the star. Whatever be the reason you should consider yourself as a star always?
Weight loss is 90% mental and all it needs is commitment, planning, & goal setting.
Once you start believing in your self and loving your body you will be over with all hurdles and you goal will appear as near and as easy to achieve as it was never ever before.
Remember these things and boost your confidence:-
One thing that you cannot recycle is wasted time.
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.
Do not try to lose weight/achieve your goals too fast.
Make a lifelong commitment to yourself to change your lifestyle habits for the better.
Always think positive and stay focused.
Respect your body and treat it well.
It is not failure itself that holds you back but the fear of failure that paralyzes you, so knock off your fears and buck up with your strong will and go get your desired goals.
All of us are the proud owners of the wonder machines i.e. our bodies. In addition, we are lucky to live in an era when great progress is being made and we are now able to understand and know our bodies in a better way.
So love and enjoy your priced possession and take care of it always. In the end, hoping that this will boost you up and start a new beginning in your lives and for the betterment of course.
This Article was written by Ada Mirotoi, Nutritionist and Personal Trainer.
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