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How to properly workout

Knowing how to properly work out properly is just as important as knowing what workouts to do. This article will go through a few methods you can choose for your workout routiene and how to choose what workouts to do and when Lets start by talking about one of the big questions most people have. Ho ... read more

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Body-weight Workouts - Workouts without weight!

This article will teach you how to get a great workout in without going to the gym and without spending any money on equipment. There are a variety of different exercises to chose from for you to mix and match as you please. So lets cut the baby talk and get started with workouts that will get you ... read more

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Why You Should Eat Fruits and Vegetables!

Reason#1. You should eat fruits and vegetables because your mother says so. However if that reason is not good enough for you to start eating a lot of fruits and veggies here is some more information on why and how it is good for you. Besides your mother telling you so, it is by far the best way t ... read more

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